Ironhouse SD Fill Station Stats – July 2015
July was a busy month for the Ironhouse Sanitary District. Their free recycled water fill station saw a lot of activity and it has made their employees and board members ecstatic! When the fill station first opened, they had 21,000 gallons water storage, but when demand picked up they quickly grew to 58,000 gallons of storage.
Now, as they are accommodating nearly 300 visitors a day, the Board of Directors approved a pipeline from their water recycling plant to the fill station, which enables more than 58,000 gallons give away, a day.
Ironhouse Sanitary District posts their daily fill station usage on their blog, at http://isdfillstation.blogspot.com/ and we’ve copied their data into excel and discovered they haven’t been keeping a very accurate count. 🙂
During the month of July, they had a total of 2530 vehicles pass through their fill station, averaging 195 per day. They also gave away a total 528, 911 gallons of a high quality recycled water, averaging 40,685 gallons daily.
On average, 90 users showed up and ran almost 2 trips per day, taking home about 209 gallons per trip (or 418 gallons total). This information was discovered last time we ran these stats, further telling that most users need more than 400 gallons per day of recycled water.
Keep up the good work, and keep on hauling.
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