Recycled is a resource for homeowners who haul recycled water, it provides information on tanks, pumps, irrigation supplies as well what plants love or hate the resourceful liquid commodity.  During the sunny hauling season this blog answers questions that everyone has – such as what tanks to buy for vehicles or how to unload once home. In the winter, when irrigation needs are low, the blog focuses on Rainwater Harvesting.

Recycled H2O is also known as Reclaimed Water, reused water or recycled water.

As written on Wikipedia – reclaimed water is treated waste water (sewage) that can be used in irrigation of plants/trees and should not be consumed by humans or animals. There are state and federal regulations that dictate the level of treatment for recycled water.

Plants tend to love recycled water as there may be nutrients in the water, such as phosphorous and nitrogen which are key in a plants’ growth cycle. Think of it as miracle grow in liquid form. Always consult with your local agency for a water quality report to determine what exactly is in the free water you take home.

Recycled water is not available everywhere, as the pipelines have not been laid in the streets. There are a many cities and towns that have recycled water piped in the streets, such as Dublin San Ramon Services District, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Santa Clara Valley Water District and The City Of San Diego – Public Utilities Department. Hopefully, with future investments this will change but for now, hauling water by vehicle is how I have obtained it for my usage.


Recycled water is safe for irrigation, but safety precautions should be made. It is safe from bacteria and bugs as there has never been a reported case of someone getting sick, but the level of treatment is not at drinking water standards. Basically, if you come in contact with it, wash your hands with mild soap and warm potable water before touching your face or putting your hands in your mouth.
