You’ve seen our map and you know we track Residential Recycled Water Fill Stations in the state of California. But did you know there are many that closed this winter that plan to re-open this summer?
I’ve spent the past few days calling each one and have great news! Most of your favorite fill stations have decided to turn the taps back on and will be opening or expanding their hours starting in May 2016. Which fill stations are they? Read on for details.
Updated 4/22/16: Delta Diablo to re-open on April 30, 2016 @ 9:00AM
If you would like to use any of this information for a news story, please give proper credit where due and reference with link backs as well. Thank you.
By using our list of fill stations in California (there are 23) we find that 10 closed for the winter. Nearly all of them have made the decision to re-open this summer. Some are still on the fence due to low user activity and high costs to operate. Plus, there are new fill stations coming, they’re just waiting on permit approval from the California State Water Resource Control Board.
Order below is opening or hours change by date.

Dublin San Ramon Services District
As the first fill station in the state and having 33 taps available for over 3600 registered users, Dublin San Ramon Services District sets the standard when it comes to Residential Recycled Water Fill Stations.
In the beginning of April, an extra day was added to include Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday and on April 14th, hours were extended to 7PM on Wednesdays.
- Wednesday, 9:00AM to 7:00PM
- Saturday & Sunday, 9:00AM to 3:00PM
There are plans to re-open the Dublin fill station located at the Dublin Security Complex, but no date has been given for that yet.
Also – as demand picks up, more hours will be added.
City of Brentwood
As proven in our latest fill station stats – the City of Brentwood continues to give away massive volumes of water each month. To help their customers, they have decided to extend their fill station hours, starting April 25, 2015.
- OPEN: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 8:00AM to 6:00PM
- CLOSED: Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday
Day of and Day after Measureable Rainfall
All City-Observed Holidays
“It’s shaping up to be another busy year for recycled water.”
If you would like more information –
Delta Diablo
Delta Diablo’s Residential Recycled Water Fill Station will re-open on Saturday, April 30, 2016.
- Wednesday, 3:00PM to 7:00PM
- Saturday, 9:00AM to 3:00PM
Current plan is to run the fill station until November 2016.
Last year, Delta Diablo’s Residential Recycled Water Fill Station pilot program “gave away over 2,000,000 gallons” of “tertiary-treated recycled water” to “nearly 500 permitted users.” The Board of Directors at Delta Diablo decided to provide this “service on a complimentary basis for users to supplement their existing irrigation water supplies” again for the 2016 summer irrigation season.
To learn about all the details on their program visit or call (925) 756-1900
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District(CentralSan)
They have been open 6 days a week since January. Starting May 1st, 2016 they will move to 7-days a week operation. CentralSan is open the most hours and days of the week for any fill station in the state of California. They’re open 64 hours per week! The next closest is City of Brentwood with 40 hours/week.
- Monday to Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00PM
- Saturday & Sunday, 9:00AM to 4:00PM
To find out all their details visit or call (925) 335-7717
Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (RegionalSan)
As repeated on Twitter, their fill station will re-open on Tuesday, May 10th, 2016.
- Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, 10:00AM to 4:00PM
- Wednesday, 1:30PM to 7:30PM (or dusk)
- Saturday, 10:00AM to 2:00PM
- CLOSED: Sunday, Monday and Holidays
If you would like more information – or call (916) 876-FILL (3455)
Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District
Just updated today, Sonoma County Water Agency plans to re-open their fill station on Tuesday, May 17th, 2016.
Feedback from their fill station users provided a change to their hours of operation as well.
- Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00AM to 2:00PM
More details as they become available should be posted online at
Scotts Valley Water District
There are plans to re-open, but final details have not been established. Consistent rainfall is what keeps the fill station closed. Expectations aim for early May, 2016. We’ll update as more information becomes available. If you live in Scotts Valley service district and would like to receive an update on their fill station – enter your information in this form –
City of Healdsburg
They are still waiting to see how much rain falls in April and May before they decide to re-open. As the date rolls closer, we’ll get you updated.
For more details on their program, visit
City of Livermore
City of Livermore employees are waiting on the City Council to make a decision whether to re-open the fill station. Citizens of Livermore were encouraged to call the city council to make a decision sooner rather than later about re-opening the recycled water fill station this summer.
To contact the City of Livermore – City Council – here is the link:
North Marin Water District
A final decision has not been made, but if they do re-open it would be in July 2016 for 1 day a week. Fill station usage was low last year with their biggest customer seeking access to their tanker truck recycled water hydrants. As more details come available, we’ll update accordingly.
City of Ventura
The newest fill station agency to our list, City of Ventura is waiting on permit approval from the state of California – which they hope to achieve very soon. Opening Day is coming! Details:
That’s all for now. As more details become available we we definitely update you.
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