Free Residential Recycled Water Fill Station FAQ
We’ve compiled a list of articles written to help you learn answers to common questions from fill station users.

- What is Recycled Water?
- What is it like to hauled recycled water?
- Stopping distance increases, drive slower, take corners slower (slosh), be mindful of extra weight in vehicle.
- Why Do I Haul Recycled Water?
- Saves drinking water, reuses water that would normally go to the ocean, plants love it.
- Will recycled water turn my grass green?
- Where to get free recycled water
- Locations on a Google Map
- Days open, with hours
- Direct links to recycled water fill station webpages
- Note: Check with the fill station you want to visit to determine their requirements. Most fill stations require you to be a customer in their service district.
What do I put recycled water in?
- 5 gallon buckets with lids
- 55 gallon drums
- 150 gallon nylon bladders
- 275/300 gallon IBC totes
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of the top three containers?
- 275 gallon tote vs. Water Bladder vs. 55 gallon barrel?
- How to strap down a water barrel
- Straps should hold 1.5 times weight of barrel
- How much does an empty IBC tote weigh?
- Why is there a 300 gallon limit?
- Water is heavy!
- 300 gallons weighs over 2,500 pounds.
- How to minimize water slosh
- A tank of water will slosh when turning or braking, this article provides solutions to minimizing it.
- How to unload recycled water once home
- Setting up temporary lawn sprinklers with a pump is the way to go
- Pumps used for unloading recycled water
- Which pumps do people use – analyzed five most commonly seen.
- How to connect a pump to a 300 gallons IBC tote
- Everything you need for setting up an IBC tote for watering your yard
- Temporarily Storing Recycled Water In An IBC Tote
- How to prime a utility water pump
- Preventative Maintenance Increases Utility Pump Maintenance
- Can I use my irrigation system at home?
- In short – no, this article explains why
- What plants love recycled water & what plants don’t?
- 5 part series analyzing Trees, Palms, Shrubs, Groundcovers & Vines, and Grasses to recycled water irrigation spray
- Is recycled water good for my vegetable garden?
- How much water does my lawn need?
- Great resource for determining how much water your landscape needs
- If you choose to re-landscape, consider this Storm Water Management approach. Build a swale!
How does mulch work to reduce water usage?
- Case Studies:
Agencies share fill station usage stats with us!
People who haul are always interested in how much water is being given away. Fill stations share their usage data with us and we in turn drive interest to them.
- October 2016 Fill Station Stats
- Water Year 2016 Fill Station Stats
- August 2016 Fill Station Stats
- July 2016 Fill Station Stats – including data from agencies never featured before!
- June 2016 Fill Station Stats
- May 2016 Fill Station Stats – come learn about your favorite fill station in this in-depth article
- April 2016 Fill Station Stats
- Spring Update 2016 Fill Station Stats
- December 2015 Fill Station Stats
- Water Year 2015 Fill Station Stats